Good old paper letter - Issue with FRS login

Ahoj All,

This summer my wife had issue with her user account in Foreigners reservation system. She could not neither login nor reset password. Always same error; "There was a problem with your form submission. Please wait 31 seconds and try again.".

Photo by Micah Williams on Unsplash

We sent 4 emails to webadmin of webpage, but no one replied. I called almost every possible phone numbers of the Ministry of the Interior, no one could not help; either they don't know even what I was talking about or forwarding to different department etc.

I even called company which developed webpage, immediate reply from them was "we don't know".

So, I decided send letter to the Ministry of the Interior, hoping it will be taken more serious and someone will help. I composed following letter to address:

Nad Štolou 3 P. O. BOX 21 170 34
Praha 7
Data box ID: 6bnaawp

Vážený pane, vážená paní,  

Já a moje žena (NAME LASTNAME) jsme začali používat (aplikace internetového objednávání pro cizince) ode dne jeho dostupnosti. Zatím systém fungoval podle očekávání. Od června 2019 však uživatelský účet mé ženy nefunguje; nemůže se přihlásit a nemůže resetovat heslo. Protože se již zaregistrovala u osobních údajů, nemůže si vytvořit nový účet.  

Na poslala 3 nebo 4 e-maily, ale nikdo neodpověděl.  

Kontaktoval jsem všechna možná telefonní čísla ministerstva, ale nikdo nemohl pomoci, protože uvedli, že „my nespravujeme“.  

Věřím, že není jedinou osobou s tímto problémem, a napsáním dopisu doufám, že někdo bude schopen tento problém vyřešit.   

S pozdravem,  

Basically, describing aforementioned situation.

In approximately 20 days we checked again user access, this time accounts didn't exist. So, we created new one (with same email address) and it worked. You might think why bother will all this, just create new user. Problem is your personal details all together can be stored only in one account (email address). I tried already :)

Despite we didn't get any reply from them (yet), I think it is not coincidence that both her accounts were deleted. I will update post in case some official reply.

Thank you all for views.
