Submitting the application for Permanent Residence 2022

Ahoj all,

After living in Czech Republic for 5 years continuously, you can and should apply for Permanent Residence (PR). What are the key benefits of the PR:
  • Validity of biometric card is for 10 years.
  • Validity of Health Insurance card is for 10 years (if VZP).
  • Your current address is printed on the biometric card, so no more problem in order proof address. This is common problem with Long Term Residency card.

As always it is better to make reservation via web site of Immigration office. It is recommended to submit application after 5 years and plus 2-3 months, because in last 5 years you probably traveled outside of EU. So, those days will not count within that 5 years period.

Photo by Laura Danova on Unsplash

List of papers and documents are needed:
  • Employment Contract - original or verified copy (can be done at notary office or at Czech Point, NOT COPY FORM YOUR EMPLOYER HR OFFICE!
  • Salary agreement - original or verified copy (can be done at notary office or at Czech Point, NOT COPY FORM YOUR EMPLOYER HR OFFICE!
  • Confirmation of Employment - Employer HR or Payroll office can provide it.
  • Confirmation of Income (net salary for last 3 months) – Employer HR or Payroll office can provide it.
  • Accommodation/Lease contract, Date of signature (contract date) must not be older than 180 days at the time of submitting, YOU MUST COME WITH VERIFIED COPY. If date of signature is older than 180 days, ask landlord for some confirmation (dodatek)
  • 1 Passport size photo
  • Czech Language exam A2 certificate (can be provided even later)
  • Kolky (stamps) for 2500 CZK
  • During submission, Passport and current Biometric card must be provided. No need to copy anything, immigration office employee will do it.
Once submitted, you will be provided with file document: ROZHODNUTÍ. Keep it at home safe and make photo copy on phone just in case.

You will be provided with submission code (like OAM-12345-TP/2022) and with 60 days you application should be reviewed and approved, unless there is reason to not approve or delay it. Once you see that your application approved; via using code, call OAMP office and make reservation for biometric data collection (taking photo). 

After biometric collection you will be information with date and time when to come and pick up new biometric card. 

When you have new PR biometric card, you will need to do 2 more things:

Inform VZP (as long as you have been insured by VZP); visit their office in Benešova 696 address and present then new card, current green VZP card and ROZHODNUTÍ paper. They will issue new blue VZP card and deliver to your address with 3-4 days.

Inform Social Security by sending following them email ( or letter (MSSZ, Veveří 979, 602 00 Brno) with new biometric card photo copy or scan: 



Zasílám vám svoji novou kartu trvalého pobytu a prosím o kontrolu, zda jsem evidována pod mým rodným číslem – viz. přední strana karty “Poznámka”.


Bude-li třeba doplnit jakékoli informace, neváhejte se na mě obrátit na adrese fill-in your address.


S pozdravem

Name, surname


Thank you all for views.
