Get ready for vaccination passport

Ahoj all,

As you all probably know that Czech Republic is started issuing so called "COVID passports". Vaccination portal, contains certificates of vaccine doses and test results. But if you are not citizen, then in order login system you need valid profile in portal, which is one of several official authentication systems. I will try to step by step show how to get register and access system. 

Firstly, open Vaccination portal at and click Přihlásit se button on the right.
Change then language to English from top right side and click on Name, Password and SMS code.
Click "link" in order start new profile creation.

Unfortunately not all pages are translated into English. Fill your mobile phone number and click "ZASLAT SMS KOD" and you will get verification code via SMS. With received code fill other personal information, check the box for agreement and save (založit).

You will get following page output and email from with subject "Zpráva od narodního bodu". Click & open link "zde", this will activate your profile registration setup. You will receive another email (and SMS) with identification code:

Now you can open this link and login with username & password. Each login you need authorise with SMS code, so wait for it. But your profile is not validated yet. 

There are several options to validate account. One option is to go Czech Post office where CzechPoint service is available, with ID/Passport and identification code, which you received. Ask them to verify your identity. I am currently don't know any details about it.

Another option you can do online, but for that you need functional Data Mailbox profile. See my Data Mailbox, how to setup in details - post about it. Once (or if) you have Data Mailbox click Aktivace uživatelského účtu and select Data Mailbox. You will have to login and allow synchronisation between and Data Mailbox, actions are simple, just "next, next".

After all these steps close all pages, open Vaccination portal again at, click Přihlásit se, choose Name, Password and SMS code and login. You should now see your vaccination details (at least after first dose) and be able download certifications.

Thank you all for views.
